8th May
This week we had an array of reminiscing objects to explore the historical times!
Residents enjoyed examining the details, as well as guessing their intended purposes!
19th May
This week we welcomed a new entertainer, Sean Saye.
Our residents thoroughly enjoyed listening to him out in the sunshine, whilst sipping on fizz.
22nd May
This week Residents enjoyed the incredibly busy morning with Sarah Chow, our new Zumba leader! We also warmed up with a fun game with the parachute!
24th May
Residents enjoyed the beauty of nature as we spent our sunny afternoon birdwatching. We spotted many of our feathered friends, from robins, blue tits and even magpies.
27th May
This week our gardener, Phoenix bought some herbs for our residents to plant as he shared his knowledge about the different herbs.
Residents enjoyed tasting the edible herbs, including curry, thymes and even chocolate mint herbs which reminded them of after eights!
1st May
Firstly, we would like to thank everybody who attended our first family fete before the Covid-19 pandemic began.
We were overwhelmed by the number of you who joined us to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee and the generosity of each and every one of you who donated to our resident’s fund.
Our residents, your loved ones, have asked us to organise a day at the seaside, which the money raised will go towards.
We kickstarted the day with an amazing performance by one of Oakwood’s favourite entertainers, Andrea, who got everyone involved by taking requests and encouraging a sing-along.
The day was filled with a variety of activities including; face painting, giant jenga, penalty shootout, hook a duck and a teddy tombola.
We wrapped up the afternoon by holding our raffle, with many taking home prizes which were all kindly donated by family, friends, and staff.
Again, thank you for being part of this event, we look forward to welcoming you all to our next one!
10th June
Our residents had a creative Friday afternoon, as they decorated cupcakes with icing, sprinkles & a sweet cherry on top.
Of course, the best part was eating the cakes with a nice cuppa!
17th June
Residents had a fantastic time this week as they enjoyed a live performance by Trevor. Everyone was out with their sunhats, shaking their maracas and pom poms!
24th June
Today we say goodbye to our chef Nathan who has been a part of Oakwood House for 7 years!
Residents have enjoyed Nathan’s delicious food over the years and we will all miss him greatly.
Nathan is relocating to Canada and we’re sure he will pop in to see us whenever he is back in Norwich.
From everyone at Oakwood House, we wish him all the best for the future.
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